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Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan
Master Plan and Gateway Building

Nom du projet
Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan
Master Plan and Gateway Building
Amman - Jordan
Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan
Type de services fournis
Services de Gestion
Chronologie du projet
Statut Complété
Date de début 2017
Date d'achèvement 2019

The Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan Project (RBGJ) is located in Tel Rumman, 40km Northeast of Amman. The overall concept Master Plan, covering 2,000,000m2 of land, is dedicated to the RBGJ to develop an internationally recognized Royal Botanical Garden of Jordan offering a diverse range of activities: conservation, education,
scientific research and recreation.

There are 9 themed gardens within the site, each with a different concept and function. The Gateway Building, located on high ground at the south boundary, with a total built-up area of 970m2, is the visitor’s first encounter with the Royal Botanic Garden, it will be the beginning and the end of the magical journey. The intention is to create a space that is warm, simple, mysterious, and soft that overlooks the panoramic views of the site. DG Jones and Partners provided management services to the project, including design management and project management.

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