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Nom du projet
Zayed University
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi - UAE
Mubadala – Main Project Client
Type de services fournis
Consultance Budgétaire
Consultance Technique
Chronologie du projet
Statut Complété
Date de début 2008
Date d'achèvement 2011

Built over 75 hectares, Abu Dhabi’s Zayed University campus comprises 26 newly-built structures and buildings with a gross built-up area of approximately 260,000 m2. This new campus provides unique and distinctive learning facilities for 6,000 students, including lecture theatres, seminar rooms, sports facilities, faculty and administration buildings, classrooms, science and computer laboratories, an 18,000 m2 library, a cafeteria and the largest convention centre in the Middle East. 

The design of Zayed University is based on symmetry with a formal axis dividing the plot and the university into two halves, the male campus and the female campus. A promenade connects the male and female campuses to the central courtyard. The central courtyard defines the heart of the campus with the administration, faculty, dining hall, library and convention centre surrounding the courtyard. The convention centre and library rise above the surrounding buildings both in height and architectural finish.

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