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Qetaifan Island North

Situated off the coast of Qatar’s Lusail City and spanning an area of approximately 1.3 million m2

Nom du projet
Qetaifan Island North
Lusail - Qatar
Qetaifan Projects Company
Type de services fournis
Résolution des Conflits
Chronologie du projet
Statut Complété
Date de début 2021
Date d'achèvement 2021

Situated off the coast of Qatar’s Lusail City and spanning an area of approximately 1.3 million m2, the project comprises the development of Qatar’s first beach entertainment hub, featuring a water park (129,296 m2), a beach club, a linear park, a luxurious 5-star hotel and a retail plaza. The island provides a variety of entertainment options, diverse waterfronts, distinct neighborhoods, great hotels, and pedestrian-friendly areas.

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