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KKIA Integrated Logistics Bonded Zone (ILBZ) Phase III

Nom du projet
KKIA Integrated Logistics Bonded Zone (ILBZ) Phase III
Riyadh - KSA
General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA)
Type de services fournis
Consultance Budgétaire
Services de Gestion
Chronologie du projet
Statut En cours
Date de début 2021
Date d'achèvement 2022
Valeur globale
5,000,000,000 SAR

The ILBZ PMO Contract was renewed for the year 2022 on 20th December 2021. Strategically located in the North of Riyadh, close to King Khalid International Airport. It enjoys global and regional connectivity via its proximity to the airport, landbridge railway, metro network, and ring road system.

The project consists of 1.5 million sqm of advanced assembly facilities and Class A warehouses equipped with the latest logistics technologies and is fully integrated within the expansion plan of an eco-system consisting of aviation facilities, cargo handling, education, research, mixed-use, cultural and leisure developments.