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King Hussein
Medical City KHMC
Concept Master Plan

Nom du projet
King Hussein
Medical City KHMC
Concept Master Plan
Amman - Jordan
Jordanian Royal Medical Services
Type de services fournis
Services de Gestion
Consultance Technique
Chronologie du projet
Statut Complété
Date de début 2018
Date d'achèvement 2019

As a continuation of our consultancy services under the King Hussein Business Park – KHBP, as the Client’s Representative for the master planning works, DG Jones and Partners were appointed to provide a comprehensive strategic masterplan and development guidelines for new buildings at the King Hussein Medical City (KHMC).

The King Hussein Medical City (KHMC) is the first Arab medical city and is the largest medical services provider in Jordan, serving more than 6.2 million patients per year. KHMC was founded in 1973 and is affiliated with the Jordanian Royal Medical Services (JRMS), which has a wide network of hospitals distributed across the Country. The KHMC consists of a gated complex incorporating medical facilities integrated with other supporting facilities.

It has five (5) hospitals with a capacity of more than 900 beds in addition to a regional laboratory studies center. The initial area of the site was 329,000m², which was later expanded to a total of 500,000m² to fully serve all the project’s functionalities. DG Jones and Partners developed a Concept Master Plan for KHMC, including the Urban Concept Master Plan for KHMC Expansion as well as Infrastructure Studies. Dar Al Handasah, the project’s design consultant, completed the design studies to cover 2 phases over a period of 9 months:

  1. The Ultimate Phase: The ultimate Concept Master Plan to serve the client for the coming 50 years.
  2. The Interim Phase: To handle the current situation, considering the new King Hussein Hospital Tower, traffic and parking problems, in addition to any needed modification on the infrastructure networks and on the site.
As the Technical Advisor to the client, DGJ utilized its multi-disciplinary design and Master-Planning (MP) capabilities to ensure a coordinated expansion Master-Planning that serves the KHMC for the next 50 years. The Expansion Masterplan was completed in May 2019 and is currently pending final approval.