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Mastering Virtual Design in Construction (VDC): Revolutionizing the Building Process

Course Description

Our course on Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is specifically curated to equip professionals in the construction industry with an exhaustive understanding of the underlying principles, methodologies, and technological tools inherent in the utilization of virtual design and construction practices. VDC amalgamates the latest digital tools and synergistic workflows to boost the planning, coordination, and implementation stages of a project. This education program provides the participants with the essential skillset to effectively incorporate VDC strategies and fully exploit its advantages in their construction initiatives.

In the course of this program, participants will immerse themselves in a stimulating learning milieu that fuses together theoretical frameworks with practical applications. This includes engaging exercises, in-depth case studies, and lively interactive discussions. These activities aim to provide a comprehensive, hands-on experience with industry-leading software applications, enabling participants to delve into and dissect real-world scenarios where VDC methodologies can be deployed.

Participants will receive firsthand exposure to the practicalities and nuances of implementing VDC in their projects. By doing so, they will not only grasp the theoretical underpinnings of VDC but also learn how to troubleshoot and adapt these methods to suit their own unique project needs. In short, this program serves as an invaluable tool for construction professionals seeking to enhance their project management skills, improve project outcomes, and keep pace with the digital evolution of the construction industry.




Understanding VDC principles and its importance in the construction industry
Mastering the use of BIM software for 3D modeling, data integration, and visualization
Exploring and evaluating various VDC technologies, such as laser scanning, drones, AR, VR, and cloud-based collaboration platforms
Implementing VDC methodologies in project planning and execution processes
Fostering collaborative workflows and effective communication among project stakeholders
Analyzing the benefits and challenges of VDC implementation
Applying VDC principles through real-world case studies




Learning concepts / presentations
Group discussions and interactions to foster active learning and critical thinking
Individual and Team exercises to encourage teamwork and learning outcomes
Case studies review to learn about the latest technologies and trends 
Action plan to ensure application of the learning 




The training will take VILT (Virtual instructor led training) via Microsoft Teams


May 2025: 14, 21, 28
June 2025: 4
Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM (GMT+2)


Identifying Gaps in the Construction Industry: Understanding the Need for Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)

Introduction to VDC: Exploring the Fundamentals and Benefits

VDC in the Project's Life Cycle Phases: Integrating VDC into Pre-construction, Construction, and Post-construction Phases

Common Data Environment (CDE) in the Context of VDC: Establishing a Collaborative Digital Hub throughout the Project's Lifecycle

Roles and Responsibilities in the Context of VDC: Defining Key Stakeholders and Their Contributions

Visual Information and Imagery Strategy: Leveraging Visual Tools for Enhanced Communication and Decision-making

Digital Ecosystem - BIM Dimensions in the VDC Context: Understanding the Integration of 3D, 4D, 5D, and 6D BIM in VDC

BIM Process Steps in the Context of VDC: Navigating the Sequential Steps for Effective VDC Implementation

3D BIM - Design Coordination and Collaboration: Streamlining Design Processes and Facilitating Collaboration in VDC

4D BIM - Scheduling and Planning: Enhancing Project Management through Time-based Visualization and Planning in VDC

5D BIM - Cost Estimation and Tracking: Leveraging VDC for Accurate Cost Estimation and Real-time Cost Tracking

6D BIM - As-built BIM Model to Facility Management: Transitioning from Construction to Facilities Management through VDC

Case Study: Applying VDC Principles and Techniques to Real-world Scenarios





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at DGJ Academy

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